Please help us collect important information. This is a survey for all health care professionals taking care of children who have developed acral ischemia/pernio or pernio-like changes in the setting of COVID-19 exposure. We are aware that the AAD is also collecting cases of dermatological changes in the setting of COVID and encourage you to fill out the AAD survey as well.
This survey will collect data only on acral changes noted in the pediatric population. The case report form should take 10 minutes to complete and there is a space for all comments at the end of the survey. There are no required elements so please complete as much as you can. No patient identifiers will be collected. We will collect your name and email address (if you volunteer this information) so we may contact you if we have any questions. All data will be de-identified and be kept confidential and stored on a secure REDCap server at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Researchers involved in data analysis will be allowed access to this data. This study tool/ survey was reviewed by the Institutional Review Board at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (IRB 20-017553) and an exemption was granted.
The registry can be completed by health care professionals from all over the United States and all countries. Patients should not enter their own cases.
Please contact Leslie Castelo-Soccio, MD, PhD at with any questions.