Grants Committee
Building a balanced portfolio of funded research grants that align with PeDRA’s mission and vision.
Meetings Committee
Strengthening the PeDRA community and cultivating collaboration through in-person events.
Outcomes Committee
Optimizing and assessing research outcomes communicated through publications and presentations.
Studies Committee
Facilitating the efficient completion of high-quality research studies, clinical trials, and surveys.
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee
Taking action to overcome disparities in PeDRA research and the PeDRA community.
Early Investigators Committee
Supporting research skills development and career advancement of trainees and early career investigators in the field of pediatric dermatology.
Nominating Committee
Identifying, screening, and evaluating potential nominees for the Board of Directors and chairs of standing committees.
Patient Advisory Committee
Injecting the perspectives and priorities of patients and parents into PeDRA’s research activities, and identifying high-priority, cross-disease studies.
Task Forces
In addition to its committees, PeDRA often mobilizes task forces to drive high priority initiatives. As of November 2021, task forces include:
Best Practices Task Force
To strengthen and support consensus guidelines and best practice recommendations in the field of pediatric dermatology.
Pediatric Dermatology COVID-19 Response Task Force
To provide an expert pediatric dermatology response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Data Use Agreement Task Force
To better understand and more efficiently navigate data sharing between collaborators in the field of pediatric dermatology.
The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) is comprised of the chairs of PeDRA’s Grants, Meetings, Outcomes, and Studies Committees. The SAC is chaired by the Society for Pediatric Dermatology VP of Research.
Interested in joining one of PeDRA’s committees?
Contact us for more information.