Explore PeDRA’s publications below. If you’ve published a PeDRA paper and don’t see it listed here please let us know!
Mulinda, Carly, et al. “Pre-procedural Topical Antisepsis in the Neonate: A Systematic Review Evaluating Risk Factors for Skin Injury” Pediatric Dermatology (2025).
Crockett, Jessica, et al. “Combined Pediatric Rheumatology/Dermatology Clinics: Benefits and Challenges” Pediatric Dermatology (2025).
Nouri, Zahra, et al. “Filaggrinopathies-FLG/FLG2: Diagnostic Complexities and Immunotherapy” Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2025).
Lee, Tyan Shin, et al. “An International Multicenter, Retrospective Cohort Study of 203 Patients with Pediatric Androgenetic Alopecia” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2025).
Colmenero-Sendra, María, et al. “Interobserver and Intraobserver Agreement on the Treatment of Infantile Hemangiomas” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2024).
Chang, Hannah, et al. “Highlights from the Field of Pediatric Dermatology Research from the 2023 PeDRA Annual Conference” Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2024).
Kim, Eun Jae, et al. “Impact of Persistent Alopecia on Quality of Life in Childhood Cancer and Transplant Survivors” Pediatric Blood & Cancer (2024).
Herringshaw, Emilee, et al. “A practical device to produce consistent, controlled cryoinjury on the skin” Cryobiology (2024).
Bradley, Flora, et al. “A retrospective multicenter cohort study of differences in clinical characteristics of Infantile Hemangiomas in preterm and term infants: Prematurity increases risk of permanent cutaneous sequelae” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2024).
Moustafa, Danna, et al. “The elusive BAP1 mutation in pediatric melanocytic tumors” Pediatric Dermatology (2024).
Rakasiwi, Tasya, et al. “Dermatologic Conditions in Down Syndrome: A Multi-Site Retrospective Review of International Classification of Diseases Codes” Pediatric Dermatology (2024).
Schreidah, Celine, et al. “Elucidating disparities in sunscreen coverage among state Medicaid preferred drug lists” Pediatric Dermatology (2024).
Perez, Victoria, et al. “Transition of care in adolescents with epidermolysis bullosa: The provider perspective” Pediatric Dermatology (2024).
Nwankwo, Christy, et al. “The reporting of social determinants of health in pediatric dermatology clinical trials: a systematic review” International Journal of Women’s Dermatology (2024).
Zvulunov, Alex, et al. “Approach to Mycosis Fungoides in children (ARMFUL study): consensus-based recommendations” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2024).
Pascual, Micah, et al. “Comparison of the Skindex-Teen and the Skindex-29 quality of life survey instruments in a predominantly American Indian adolescent population” Pediatric Dermatology (2024).
Yun, Sonora, et al. “Management of Pustules and Vesicles in Afebrile Infants ≤60 Days Evaluated by Dermatology” Pediatrics (2024).
Mittal, Vaishali, et al. “Online, home-based dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa registry” Pediatric Dermatology (2024).
García-Romero, Maria Teresa, et al. “Responsiveness to Change of the Morphea Activity Measure in Pediatric Patients” JAMA Dermatology (2024).
Abreu Molnar, Brenda, et al. “Inpatient management of epidermolysis bullosa: Consensus-based hands-on instructions for neonates and postneonates” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2024).
Paller, Amy, et al. “Stigmatization and Mental Health Impact of Chronic Pediatric Skin Disorders” JAMA Dermatology (2024).
Cherepakhin, Olga, et al. “A survey assessment of combined pediatric dermatology-rheumatology clinics” Pediatric Dermatology (2024).
Renert-Yuval, Yael, et al. “Expert Recommendations on Use of Topical Therapeutics for Vitiligo in Pediatric, Adolescent, and Young Adult Patients” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2024).
Dykman, Morgan, et al. “Dermatology Life Quality Index survey in patients with Down syndrome and caregivers” Pediatric Dermatology (2024).
Tsai, Serena Yun-Chen, et al. “Melanoma-like features in pediatric longitudinal melanonychia: A systematic review and meta-analysis” Pediatric Dermatology (2024).
Bourkas, Adrienn, et al. “Characterizing the cutaneous late effects of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A systematic review” Pediatric Transplantation (2024).
Guo, Lily, et al. “Management of tinea capitis in infants and children in the United States: A national survey of pediatric dermatologists” Pediatric Dermatology (2024).
Brandling-Bennett, Heather, et al. “Executive summary: Consensus treatment guidelines for the use of methotrexate for inflammatory skin disease in pediatric patients” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2024).
“Abstracts from the 2023 PeDRA Annual Conference” Pediatric Dermatology (2024).
Braun, Mitchell, et al. “Multicenter Study of Long-term Outcomes and Quality of Life in PHACE Syndrome after Age 10” Pediatric Dermatology (2024).
Wilkie, Hazel, et al. “Treg cell dysfunction and cutaneous exposure to S. aureus underlie eczema in DOCK8 deficiency” The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (2024).
Mologousis, Mia, et al. “Features, management, and outcomes of pediatric scalp melanomas” Pediatric Dermatology (2023).
Beiter, Kaylin and Garza-Mayers, Anna Cristina. “Geomapping of pediatric dermatologists: A tool to promote diversity and equity in dermatology” Pediatric Dermatology (2023).
Croce, Emily, et al. “Lower socioeconomic status may help explain racial disparities in asthma and atopic dermatitis prevalence: A mediation analysis” Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (2023).
Hawryluk, Elena, et al. “Risk Factors and Outcomes of Melanoma in Children and Adolescents: A Retrospective Multicenter Study” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2023).
Rangu, Sneha, et al. “Assessing pain catastrophizing and functional disability in pediatric epidermolysis bullosa patients” Pediatric Dermatology (2023).
Gautam, Ayushi, et al. “Clinical characteristics of infantile hemangiomas with aggressive, persistent, and destructive ulceration” Pediatric Dermatology (2023).
Bitterman, David, et al. “Survey of pediatric dermatologist views on treatment for alopecia areata” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2023).
Miller, Allison, et al. “COVID-19 associated severe mucocutaneous blistering eruptions: A case series” Pediatric Dermatology (2023).
Arnold, Justin, et al. “Characteristics and Complications of Anogenital Infantile Hemangiomas: A Multicenter Retrospective Analysis” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2023).
Scollan, Margaret, et al. “Characterization of wound microbes in epidermolysis bullosa: A focus on Pseudomonas aeruginosa” Pediatric Dermatology (2023).
Siegfried, Elaine, et al. “Methotrexate for inflammatory skin disease in pediatric patients: Consensus treatment guidelines” Pediatric Dermatology (2023).
Ng, Ashley, et al. “Presenting characteristics and progression of pediatric-onset morphea: Interim analysis of a prospective registry” Pediatric Dermatology (2023).
Haft, Michael, et al. “Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Chronic Hand Eczema: The PeDRA CACHES Survey” Paediatric Drugs (2023).
Chen, Henry, et al. “Clinical characteristics associated with musculoskeletal extracutaneous manifestations in pediatric and adult morphea: a prospective, cohort study” Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2023).
Choragudi, Siri, et al. “Trends in Health Care Utilization Among United States Children With Eczema by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Ethnicity: National Health Interview Survey 2006-2018” Dermatitis (2023).
Dykman, Morgan, et al. “Proceedings of the 10th Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA) Annual Conference” Pediatric Dermatology (2023).
“Abstracts from the 2022 PeDRA Annual Conference” Pediatric Dermatology (2023).
Eickstaedt, Joshua, et al. “Paradoxical Psoriasiform Eruptions in Children Receiving Tumor Necrosis Factor α Inhibitors” JAMA Dermatology (2023).
Sokoloff, Alexis, et al. “If My Hidradenitis Had a Voice, This is What It Would Say: The Perspective of a Young Woman with Down Syndrome and Hidradenitis Suppurativa” British Journal of Dermatology (2023).
Choragudi, Siri and Yosipovitch, Gil. “Trends in the Prevalence of Eczema Among US Children by Age, Sex, Race, and Ethnicity From 1997 to 2018” JAMA Dermatology (2023).
García-Romero, Maria Teresa, et al. “Development and Validation of the Morphea Activity Measure in Patients With Pediatric Morphea” JAMA Dermatology (2023).
Han, Joohee, et al. “Transition of care in patients with epidermolysis bullosa: A survey study” Pediatric Dermatology (2022).
Davies, Olivia, et al. “Early-onset hypertension associated with extensive cutaneous capillary malformations harboring postzygotic variants in GNAQ and GNA11” Pediatric Dermatology (2022).
Neale, Holly, et al. “Defining patient-centered research priorities in pediatric dermatology” Pediatric Dermatology (2022).
Schoch, Jennifer, et al. “Skin microbiome sampling in the preterm neonate” Pediatric Dermatology (2022).
Fernández Faith, Esteban, et al. “Incidence and clinical factors associated with ulceration in infantile hemangiomas” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2022).
Chen, Henry, et al. “Efficacy of a lay community health worker (promotoras de salud) program to improve adherence to emollients in Spanish-speaking Latin American pediatric patients in the United States with atopic dermatitis: A randomized, controlled, evaluator-blinded study” Pediatric Dermatology (2022).
Smiley, Catherine, et al. “Emergency contraception in the iPLEDGE program: A cross-sectional survey of pediatric dermatology provider understanding and practice” Pediatric Dermatology (2022).
Kittler, Nicole, et al. “Successful use of telemedicine for evaluation of infantile hemangiomas during the early COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study” Pediatric Dermatology (2022).
Pagan, Angel, et al. “Dupilumab improves clinical scores in children and adolescents with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: A real-world, single-center study” Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (2022).
Sachdeva, Muskaan, et al. “Incidence of and Risk Factors for Keratinocyte Carcinoma After Pediatric Solid Organ Transplant” JAMA Dermatology (2022).
Croce, Emily, et al. “Validation of remote atopic dermatitis severity assessment with the Eczema Area and Severity Ondex in children using caregiver-provided photos and videos” Pediatric Dermatology (2022).
Croce, Emily, et al. “Caregiver Preferences and Barriers Toward Accessing Pediatric Dermatology Care for Childhood Atopic Dermatitis” Journal of Pediatric Healthcare (2022).
Ezeh, Nnenna, et al. “Cross-Sectional Characteristics of Pediatric-Onset Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Results of a Multicenter, Retrospective Cohort Study” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2022).
Linggonegoro, Danny, et al. “Supportive Oncodermatology in Pediatric Patients” Dermatologic Clinics (2022).
Phillips, Gregory, et al. “A retrospective analysis of diagnostic testing in a large North American cohort of patients with epidermolysis bullosa” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2022).
Sun, Qisi, et al. “Development and Initial Validation of a Novel System to Assess Ichthyosis Severity” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2022).
Betancourt, Nicolas, et al. “Gorlin Syndrome: Assessing Genotype-Phenotype Correlations and Analysis of Early Clinical Characteristics as Risk Factors for Disease Severity” Journal of Clinical Oncology (2022).
Davies, Olivia, et al. “Cutaneous mosaic RASopathies associated with rhabdomyosarcoma” Pediatric Blood Cancer (2022).
Rangu, Sneha, et al. “Understanding the Gut Microbiota in Pediatric Patients with Alopecia Areata and their Siblings: A Pilot Study” JID Innovations (2021).
Jahnke, Marla, et al. “Care of Congenital Melanocytic Nevi in Newborns and Infants: Review and Management Recommendations” Pediatrics (2021).
Sachdeva, Muskaan, et al. “Outcomes of skin cancers in pediatric solid organ transplant patients: A systematic review” Pediatric Transplantation (2021).
Partan, Elizabeth, et al. “Analysis of Whole Genome Sequencing in a Cohort of Individuals with PHACE Syndrome Suggests Dysregulation of RAS/PI3K Signaling” medRxiv (2021).
Zaenglein, Andrea, et al. “Executive Summary: Consensus Recommendations for the Use of Retinoids in Ichthyosis and Other Disorders of Cornification in Children and Adolescents” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2021).
Davies, Olivia, et al. “Cutaneous vascular anomalies associated with a mosaic variant of AKT3: Genetic analysis continues to refine the diagnosis, nomenclature, and classification of vascular anomalies” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2021).
Cottrell, Catherine, et al. “Somatic PIK3R1 variation as a cause of vascular malformations and overgrowth” Genetics in Medicine (2021).
Kamara, Michael, et al. “Disparities in Availability of Skin Therapies found in Public Assistance Formularies” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2021).
Silverberg, Nanette, et al. “Training in pediatric skin of color: Suggested curricular guidelines of the pediatric dermatology research alliance special interest group in pediatric skin of color” Pediatric Dermatology (2021).
Davies, Olivia, et al. “Diversity in pediatric dermatology: A report from the Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance and a call to action” Pediatric Dermatology (2021).
Huang, Jennifer, et al. “Achieving equity and inclusion in pediatric dermatology research: Priorities and considerations” Pediatric Dermatology (2021).
Braun, Mitchell, et al. “Persistent dysesthesias in involuted infantile hemangiomas: An uncommon complication in a common condition” Pediatric Dermatology (2021).
Covelli, Isabela, et al. “Influence of gender and sexual identity on adolescent skin health” Pediatric Dermatology (2021).
Cotton, Colleen, et al. “Association of Demographic Factors and Infantile Hemangioma Characteristics With Risk of PHACE Syndrome” JAMA Dermatology (2021).
Brockman, Ross, et al. “Laboratory monitoring during treatment of onychomycosis in pediatric patients: A survey of provider perspectives and practices” Pediatric Dermatology (2021).
Shah, Nidhi, et al. “Evaluating provider knowledge, perception, and concerns about cannabinoid use in pediatric dermatology” Pediatric Dermatology (2021).
Ramien, Michele, et al. “Blistering severe cutaneous adverse reactions in children: Proposal for pediatric-focused clinical criteria” British Journal of Dermatology (2021).
Chiu, Yvonne, et al. “Body site distribution of pediatric-onset morphea and association with extracutaneous manifestations” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2021).
Fernández Faith, Esteban, et al. “Clinical Features, Prognostic Factors, and Treatment Interventions for Ulceration in Patients With Infantile Hemangioma” JAMA Dermatology (2021).
Castelo-Soccio, Leslie, et al. “Acral Changes in pediatric patients during COVID 19 pandemic: Registry report from the COVID 19 response task force of the society of pediatric dermatology (SPD) and pediatric dermatology research alliance (PeDRA)” Pediatric Dermatology (2021).
Liy-Wong, Carmen, et al. “Hidradenitis Suppurativa in the Pediatric Population: An International, Multicenter, Retrospective, Cross-sectional Study of 481 Pediatric Patients” JAMA Dermatology (2021).
Klein, Alyssa, et al. “Anesthetic techniques used for pulsed dye laser (PDL) in the treatment of port-wine birthmarks: An exploratory assessment of current attitudes and practice patterns among pediatric dermatologists in the United States” Pediatric Dermatology (2021).
Thomas, Christina, et al. “Treatment practices in the management of scabies in infants younger than two months” Pediatric Dermatology (2021).
Levin, Laura, et al. “Characterization of wound microbes in epidermolysis bullosa: Results from the epidermolysis bullosa clinical characterization and outcomes database” Pediatric Dermatology (2020).
Zaenglein, Andrea, et al. “Consensus recommendations for the use of retinoids in ichthyosis and other disorders of cornification in children and adolescents” Pediatric Dermatology (2020).
Zhong, Connie, et al. “Characteristics of non-melanoma skin cancer in children without identifiable risk factors” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2020).
Boull, Christina, et al. “Cutaneous Reactions in Children Treated with MEK Inhibitors, BRAF Inhibitors, or Combination Therapy: A Multi-Center Study” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2020).
Hawryluk, Elena, et al. “A Retrospective Multicenter Study of Fatal Pediatric Melanoma” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2020).
Reynolds, Sean, et al. “Systemic Immunosuppressive Therapy for Inflammatory Skin Diseases in Children: Expert-Consensus-Based Guidance for Clinical Decision Making During the COVID-19 Pandemic” Pediatric Dermatology (2020).
Akinshemoyin Vaughn, Olushola, et al. “Clinical and histologic presentation of pediatric reactive granulomatous dermatitis.” Pediatric Dermatology (2020).
Dodds, Melissa, et al. “Treatment of superficial vascular anomalies with topical sirolimus: A multicenter case series.” Pediatric Dermatology (2020).
Bronckers, Inge, et al. “A Comparison of Psoriasis Severity in Pediatric Patients Treated With Methotrexate vs Biologic Agents” JAMA Dermatology (2020).
Gurnee, Emily, et al. “Neurocognitive dysfunction and anaphylaxis in pediatric maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis.” The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice (2020).
Shayegan, Leila, et al. “Skin cleansing and topical product use in patients with epidermolysis bullosa: Results from a multicenter database.” Pediatric Dermatology (2020).
Stefanko, Nicole, et al. “Hamartomas and midline anomalies in association with infantile hemangiomas, PHACE, and LUMBAR syndromes” Pediatric Dermatology (2020).
Schoch, Jennifer, et al. “The infantile cutaneous microbiome: A review” Pediatric Dermatology (2019).
Stefanko, Nicole, et al. “Natural history of PHACE syndrome: A survey of adults with PHACE.” Pediatric Dermatology (2019).
Huang, Jennifer, et al. “Risk Factors and Outcomes of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer in Children and Young Adults.” Journal of Pediatrics (2019).
Ardoin, Stacy, et al. “Research priorities in childhood-onset lupus: results of a multidisciplinary prioritization exercise.” Pediatric Rheumatology Online Journal (2019).
Putterman, Elana, et al. “Severity of disease and quality of life in parents of children with alopecia areata, totalis, and universalis: a prospective, cross-sectional study.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2019).
Arkin, Lisa, et al. “Practice-Based Differences in Pediatric Discoid Lupus Erythmatosus.” British Journal of Dermatology (2019).
Feinstein, James A., et al. “Assessment of the Timing of Milestone Clinical Events in Patients With Epidermolysis Bullosa From North America.” JAMA Dermatology (2018).
Siegel, Dawn H., et al. “Analyzing the genetic spectrum of vascular anomalies with overgrowth via cancer genomics.” Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2018).
Bartenstein, Diana W., et al. “Contrasting features of childhood and adolescent melanomas.” Pediatric Dermatology (2018).
Siegfried, Elaine C., et al. “Developing drugs for treatment of atopic dermatitis in children (≥ 3 months to< 18 years of age): Draft guidance for industry.” Pediatric Dermatology (2018).
Singer, Hannah M., et al. “Texting atopic dermatitis patients to optimize learning and eczema area and severity index scores: A pilot randomized control trial.” Pediatric Dermatology (2018).
“Pediatric Skin Cancer: Patient Perspectives.” Pediatric Dermatology (2017).
Siegfried, Elaine C., et al. “Optimizing Clinical Trials for Atopic Dermatitis in Children.” Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2017).
Bronckers, Inge MGJ, et al. “Safety of systemic agents for the treatment of pediatric psoriasis.” JAMA Dermatology (2017).
Osier, Emily, et al. “Pediatric Psoriasis Comorbidity Screening Guidelines.” JAMA Dermatology (2017).
Totri, Christine R., et al. “Prescribing practices for systemic agents in the treatment of severe pediatric atopic dermatitis in the US and Canada: The PeDRA TREAT survey.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2017).
Siegel, Dawn H., et al. “Proceedings of the Inaugural Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA) Conference.” Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2014).