SPD/PeDRA Virtual Journal Club
Articles discussed:
- Management of acne in transgender and gender diverse youth part 1 &2: Gender affirming care and risk factors for the development of acne / Unique considerations and strategies in medical treatment from Pediatr Dermatol. (PMID 36017732) with Nicole Hollingshead BS, Juanita K. Hodax MD, Markus D. Boos MD, PhD
- Incidence and clinical factors associated with ulceration in infantile hemangiomas from JAAD Int. (PMID 36404484) with Esteban Fernandez Faith MD
- Pediatric pulse dose corticosteroid therapy dosing and administration in the treatment of alopecia areata: A review of literature from Pediatr Dermatol. (PMID 36461625) with Brenda Carillo BS and Lindy Ross MD