Principal Investigator:
Colleen Cotton, MD
Children’s National Hospital
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a skin condition where painful boils and abscesses repeatedly form in areas of skin folds and friction. Over time, permanent scarring and tunnels underneath the skin can form. If is often misdiagnosed as infection, and patients may experience delays of several years before getting the right diagnosis. Most of the information we know about HS is from adults even though HS typically starts in adolescence or even before puberty. There might be important differences between kids and adults that we don’t know about. The goal of this study is to take very detailed descriptions of areas affected by HS in children and teenagers to see if we can identify the any specific patterns. This includes looking at locations of the body that are affected, what HS looks like in different types of patients, and how it progresses over time.
This project was funded by a 2024 Weston Career Development Award.