Roseline Okonkwo, MD
Alberta Children’s Hospital
Michele Ramien, MDCM, MSc, FRCPC
Alberta Children’s Hospital
What to do about RIME (reactive infectious mucocutaneous eruption)?
Most kids get infections like colds or flus and just get sick but some of them get a burn-like reaction on their skin and mucous membranes (the wet parts of the body inside the mouth, eyes, nose, genital, and anal areas) that is called reactive infectious mucocutaneous eruption (RIME).
Researchers are starting to understand more about RIME. While waiting for them to figure out why RIME happens, we need a plan to treat RIME now. One way to do so is to put together what is already known and to ask experts who are looking after kids with RIME to share their experience. The experts talk amongst themselves about the plan until they agree. This is called a consensus.
The consensus will help kids who get RIME to have the same treatment from their doctors.
This project was funded through a 2022 PeDRA Research Fellowship Grant.