The charge of the Outcomes Committee is to optimize and assess PeDRA and Society for Pediatric Dermatology (SPD) research outcomes communicated through publications and presentations.
Responsibilities of the committee include:
• Strategic oversight of PeDRA and SPD’s dissemination of research activities and outcomes.
• Define standards for authorship and publication
• Direct resources to facilitate publication by PeDRA and SPD members
• Review abstracts and oversee content presentation at the PeDRA Annual Conference, SPD Annual Meeting, and Pediatric Dermatology Session at the Society for Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting

Carrie Coughlin, MD
Washington University

Keith Choate, MD, PhD
Yale University

Kristen Holland, MD
Medical College of Wisconsin

Judith O’Haver, PhD, RN
University of Arizona

Cathryn Sibbald, MD
University of Toronto

Wynnis Tom, MD
University of California, San Diego
Last updated December 12, 2022

Christina Boull, MD
University of Minnesota

Marcia Hogeling, MD
University of California, Los Angeles

Christine Lauren, MD
Columbia University

Amy Paller, MD
Northwestern University

Jenna Streicher, MD
Indiana University

Jeff Yu, MD
Harvard Medical School