The Society for Pediatric Dermatology (SPD) Research Task Force conceptualizes Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA) at SPD Annual Conference in Portland, OR

PeDRA forms as unincorporated association within SPD

Amy Paller, MD and Larry Eichenfield, MD become PeDRA’s original co-chairs (position renamed “co-president” in 2019)

SPD and NIH leaders meet in Monterey, CA

Sheila Rittenberg becomes 1st Executive Director
Receives 1st R13 Conference Grant from NIH and Inaugural PeDRA Annual Conference takes place in Chicago, IL
Creates PeDRA Fellow position and Colleen Cotton becomes 1st Medical Student Fellow

2nd PeDRA Annual Conference takes place in Chicago, IL
Establishes Early Investigator Committee (EIC) and Skin Tumors and Reactions to Cancer Therapies (STARC) Workgroup is added to PeDRA’s original list of collaborative research groups, which included Inflammatory Skin Disease, Genetic Skin Disorders, and Birthmarks
Surpasses 200 members and over $250K in annual revenue

Launches 1st webinar and PeDRAPOST newsletter
3rd PeDRA Annual Conference takes place in Dallas, TX
Launches Mentorship Program, and establishes grants program, providing $18,900 through 4 pilot grants to complement SPD’s existing grants
Adds standing role for Early Investigator (EI) representation on Executive Committee and Neonatal Skin Workgroup is added as PeDRA’s 5th collaborative research group

Dawn Siegel, MD starts term as co-chair alongside Larry Eichenfield, MD and Amy Paller, MD ends term as co-chair
Establishes oversight of former SPD research functions and gives $81,957 through 7 awards
Contracts with Medical College of Wisconsin and begins working relationship with Katherine Devenport as Grants Coordinator
Establishes Acne & Hidradenitis Suppurativa Subgroup of Inflammatory Skin Disorders Workgroup

Jenn Dawson begins working as Membership and Outreach Liaison

1st EI Forum takes place at 4th PeDRA Annual Conference in Dallas, TX
Celebrates 5-year anniversary with 5 publications, 49 active studies, 130 conference attendees, 215 members, and over $5K in individual giving from 20 donors

Receives R13 Conference Grant from NIH to support next 5 PeDRA Annual Conferences and Melissa Marshall delivers impactful keynote at 5th PeDRA Annual Conference in Denver, CO
Hosts 1st member dinner at Society for Investigative Dermatology (SID) Conference in Portland, OR

Mike Siegel, PhD begins working as Director of Research and Vice Executive Director
Restructures existing scientific committees to create Grants, Studies, Meetings, and Outcomes Committees
Surpasses $10K in individual giving from over 45 donors, gives over $100K in research grants and awards, and ends year with 5 publications
Establishes Research Hot Seat Award and Best Practices Task Force
Collaborates with National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) to offer 1st disease specific challenge grant and 1st leadership visit to NIH and FDA
Ilona Frieden, MD starts term as co-chair alongside Dawn Siegel, MD and Larry Eichenfield, MD ends term as co-chair

1st leadership visit to NIH and FDA
Establishes oversight of Weston Career Development Award while maintaining 50/50 funding partnership with SPD, receives 1st PCORI Award, establishes Patient Advisory Committee, and launches Sigma Study
Establishes Corporate Council as forum for strategic engagement with industry partners, welcoming inaugural group of 11 partners
Awards 1st Study Support Grant to Leslie Castelo-Soccio and Colleen Cotton and 1st Consensus Grant to Alex Zvulunov and Elena Pope

Katherine Devenport becomes Research Coordinator

David Roberts joins as Development Director
Sheila Rittenberg steps down as Executive Director, Mike Siegel becomes Executive Director, and Jenn Dawson moves into Outreach Manager role

Surpasses $13K from 35 individuals, incorporates as independent business, ends year with 6 publications and 62 new members, creates online member profiles in searchable database, and rebrands with new logo, mission, vision, and e-newsletter

Jason Fried of Basecamp delivers keynote at 7th PeDRA Annual Conference and hosts session at SID Annual Conference, both in Chicago, IL
Receives 501(c)(3) status and surpasses 400 members, $1M in annual revenue, and over $20K in donations from 47 individuals
Surpasses $300K in annual grant funding

8th PeDRA Annual Conference takes place virtually due to COVID-19

Heather Miller begins working as Event Project Manager

Revises leadership structure to become President / President-Elect structure and Anna Bruckner, MD starts term as President-Elect
Launches Getting to Know You Podcast and establishes Research Fellowship Program and Pediatric Dermatology COVID-19 Response Task Force
PeDRA’s collaborative research group structure is overhauled to create seven independent Focused Study Groups

Amy Buros Stein joins as Biostatistician
Awards 1st Career Bridge Research Grant to Elena Hawryluk, MD, PhD
Heather Miller becomes Events and Membership Manager and Jenn Dawson is promoted to Associate Director of Educational Programs
9th PeDRA Annual Conference takes places virtually due to COVID-19

Holds 1st Dash for Discovery Fun Run
Adds Drugs & Bugs; Hair Disorders; and Skin of Color and Pigmentary Disorders to FSG lineup and forms Down Syndrome Subgroup

Establishes Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee, Data Use Agreement Task Force
Launches Monthly Education Report, Community Spotlight, Points of Discussion Podcast, PeDRA Pearls, and Research Mobile App
Welcomes 19th partner to Corporate Council, surpasses 600 members, $1M in annual investment through programs and infrastructure, and over $35K in annual donations from 100+ donors

Celebrates 10 years of growth and success!
Awards 8 Research Fellowships and anticipates 1st publication for Sigma Study
Attends SID in Portland, OR and hosts member dinner

Caitlin Haskell joins as Communications Manager
Melissa Marshall to lead EI Forum at 10th PeDRA Annual Conference in Bethesda, MD