Abstract Submission Guidelines
PeDRA will accept abstract submissions for posters to be displayed in both physical and digital formats during the PeDRA Poster Forum at the 2022 PeDRA Annual Conference. All abstracts will undergo peer review by the PeDRA Outcomes Committee and will be selected based upon their suitability for display at the Conference and the following guidelines:
- Abstracts should demonstrate findings ready to share with PeDRA membership and/or other stakeholders (including patients, parents, and advocates) in attendance at the Conference.
- Abstracts will be prioritized if they are from a PeDRA Study, PeDRA-funded grant, or include at least one PeDRA member as an author.
- Abstract submissions will be considered from any Conference attendee, including representatives from industry and patient advocacy.
- Case reports will only be considered if linked directly (in the body of the abstract) to a new or ongoing research question, PeDRA Study, or PeDRA-funded grant.
- At least one author must be a registered attendee at the Conference for an abstract to be considered.
- There will be no embargo placed on abstracts or posters/presentations at the 2022 PeDRA Annual Conference.
- A maximum of three abstracts from the same study will be considered (but not guaranteed acceptance).
- Encore abstracts* will be considered.
Abstracts submitted for consideration in the PeDRA Poster Forum will not automatically be considered for discussion during breakout sessions, nor is submission of an abstract required to participate in a breakout session. Please use [this separate form] to submit a breakout session project discussion request, email us, or contact the Focused Study Group lead directly. Trainees should also consider the 2022 PeDRA NextGen Research Forum as a venue to present project updates and results. Applications to the NextGen Research Forum must be submitted separately using [this form].
A small number of abstracts will be selected by the Outcomes Committee for live oral presentation during the Conference on Saturday, November 5. Authors will have the opportunity to indicate their interest in being considered for this opportunity through the abstract submission form.
Abstracts will be limited to a maximum of 250 words and may be accompanied by an optional 150-word maximum layperson’s summary suitable for the patient stakeholder audience. Authors who choose to provide a layperson’s summary will have the opportunity for their poster to be part of a structured activity for patients, parents, and advocates who attend the conference, and also to request patient feedback and/or solicit patient stakeholder engagement in their projects.
All accepted abstracts will be shared as physical posters at the in-person conference and in digital format as images and/or pdfs visible to registered conference attendees through the virtual conference platform and mobile app for a set amount of time. Specific details for the in-person and digital poster format will be communicated to authors by Tuesday, September 20, 2022**.
All posters included in the both the digital and in-person PeDRA Poster Forum will also have the ability to include QR codes or hyperlinks to relevant supplemental resources, publications, or presentations.
Important Dates
Thursday, July 7
Abstract submission portal opens
Friday, September 9 at 6:00PM PDT
Abstract submission deadline
Friday, September 30
Authors notified of peer-review outcome
Monday, October 17
Deadline to submit digital poster files
Thursday, November 3 – Saturday, November 5
PeDRA Poster Forum
*Encore abstracts refer to abstracts that communicate data which has been previously been presented elsewhere.
**Event organizers have changed this date while finalizing logistics to accommodate this year’s record number of abstract submissions.
Last updated September 15, 2022